Jonathan Murray on the political economics of technology & automation

Jonathan Murray on the political economics of technology & automation

 API Economist: When it comes to cloud computing, what’s the future of data sovereignty and the need for data to reside in-country?

Jonathan Murray: It all boils down to political economics. A very good friend of mine is Professor John Zysman at UC Berkeley. John's a political economist and he spends his life thinking about what's the intersection between government institutions, policy, regulation, and how economies develop. One of the things John told me very early on, when I first met him, was that you can look at the world in two ways: there's the potential of technology, where we can see this bright future and all the opportunity, and then there is the regulatory environment, social context, and the economic context that technology has to fit into. Ultimately, the pace at which technology is adopted and the degree to which technology is adopted is driven by both government regulation and cultural frameworks, and not by the desires and the interests of the technology industry.

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Gray Brooks on the U.S. government and the GSA Open Data Intiative

Gray Brooks on the U.S. government and the GSA Open Data Intiative

API Economist: Back in May 2012, the White House launched their Digital Strategy: Building A 21st Century Platform To Better Serve The American People. One of the key tenets of that strategy was to make open data content and web APIs the foundation of the platform. How is the GSA doing on implementing this strategy, and what are some of the biggest challenges you face?

Gray Brooks: Along with all the other agencies actually implementing the Digital Strategy, GSA reports on its progress at There's also a JSON and XML version available at /DigitalStrategy.json and /DigitalStrategy.xml. We use those because we want to have the progress that agencies are making per‑item and per‑subsection parsed out very clearly, so that information is available not only to the OMB and the White House, but also to everyone else.

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